Patrick Talks About His Unfinished Stories

This conversation of 23 March 2017 with Patrick is about some of his unfinished stories. The transcription is below.

Patrick: Some stories are not finished yet and it says “to be continued,” and the very last one is obvious, it’s right in the middle of the story. But there are many of them that are the way they’re gonna stay. So you got a pretty fair collection of what I’ve been doing. The West Virginia section is what I’ve pulled out today, and it won’t be 120 pages like the other one. It’ll be more like 50 or 60 pages. I could combine it all into one book, so part one is West Virginia, part 2 is the Florida stuff, Part 3 is the stuff from when I was on the road in Turkey, and then the last one will be Bohemians of the Traumentura. So it’s like a book that is a collection of volumes.

JP: Yes.

Patrick: That’s my plan.

J; Ok. Well, we will steam forward in that.

Patrick: All I need is freedom from pain, and time, and a little joy from time to time. The joy comes from Basmati for instance.

JP: Yes (laughter). Con Ivonne?

Patrick: Yeah it’s always nice. We had a good way to sort it out in the Valldemossa apartment. Because, it’s practically impossible to work with her in the same room. She really needs to work, and when she starts concentrating, she can really work for hours and hours. And, but often she’s saying it out loud to herself as she’s working. You know. It’s like somebody snoring in bed. So, we had it in Valdemossa, when she really needed to work, we set up her computer on the top floor and I would stay in my studio. There was a time when we were sitting opposite each other, but, eventually a distraction.

JP: Yes.

Patrick: We’re so unlike in our intellectual interest that it’s amazing that we get along so well. She reads books. She read one in my house on my Kindle so I suggested the one by that woman who sold us the door….

JP: Yes.

Patrick: I wrote a story about that.

JP: Yes.

Patrick: No, she read a novel written by that woman.

JP: Oh ok.

Patrick: Very good, good story. Okay, so we …

JP: Let us go out to the patio.