Only thought is fleeter than light. Five hours and light reaches us from Pluto. But in a nanosecond we can reach Pluto in our minds. We are not there, except in thought, but that is the point. The same happens with time travel. With a flick of a dendrite I stand on a varnished floor at age 3, Anita, also 3, standing golden and naked in the sun before me.
I must continue to be the man Stephanie loved and admired. Capable, able to do most anything, maintaining hope in all circumstances.
I was a late bloomer, but I got there, if only for a while…
“Idle youth, enslaved to everything;
Arthur RImbaud
by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.”
These notes are not in any order
Chevy crash
Sentinel Star
Cocoa Beach
Rev. Price
East Village
Long Island
A whole generation seems to be infected by coprolalia.
Dear Lionel?
mei-wah and dottir
ondine as you know
celebrated their new restaurant last night
every who and whoever was there
so to get bits and bites wuz as crazy
as a chinese fire drill
what there wuz wuz good
and amazing!
you wud never know so many of us
coulda come out of the woodwork;
seldom the diehards of winter
are heard or seen in a herd
you would think here´s mountain desert
with an empty bus
passing through time to time
carrying summer ghosts.
(a footnote: fedoras are back,
reducing apparent space in tight quarters. also this generation seems
though you would think we would shrink as the population rises)
so that’s the culinary report…
and right this very minute
the second time in three days
the church bell is knelling
meaning another is kneeling
at the pearly gates.
hope mr or ms whover gets in…
and I hope your roof is sined (if trapezoidal), sealed and delivered. did the workmen come?
I am still astumble with the pianoid quintet. sometimes the imagination
must do the work
be well,
This is an excerpt from a collection of files Patrick called Scattered Notes.odt dated from 2014 to 2016 and titled Thoticles. I’ll continue to add other segments as time allows.
Patrick Meadows 1934 – 2017.