It is with sadness I must report that my father Patrick Meadows passed away on 22 April 2017.
Here is his obituary in English and in Spanish as written by the Bonner family for the Mallorquin newspapers.
Here’s a link to the video of Patrick’s memorial service on 4 May 2017.
On behalf of my sisters and I and Stephanie’s family, thank you for your kind thoughts in this difficult time.
We are working on a memorial concert on 13 September 2017 but we need sponsors to make this concert a reality.
I will check his mailbox for a little while, but if you wish to reach me directly, I have set up a temporary e-address of PatrickM @ (without the spaces around the at sign.)
If you want to do something in his honor, go somewhere and listen to live music. This would warm his soul if he were with us today.
I’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.