He Was Committed to Our Orchestra

I received this kind note yesterday. I’m posting it here with his permission.

My name is Steve Benne and I just heard about your father’s death through your automated reply to email messages addressed to him.

I wanted to thank you for that.

I first met your father when I was in my mid-twenties (1988-90) and playing bass with the New American Chamber Orchestra. He was our Spanish management and was committed to our orchestra. He had us play in his festival in Deia and got us a residence in Granada.

He spent a lot of time with the orchestra and eventually had me out to his place in Deia.

I’ve been in touch with him off and on over the years and saw him when he came to the States in 2015 (I think) and was staying with your sister in Maryville, TN.

Again, thank you and my condolences on your loss.