AfriClassical Blog’s Announcement about Patrick
AfriClassical Blog Spot Announcing Patrick’s Passing. Thanks to Bill Zick for his support and for spreading the news on the AfriClassical site. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.
Patrick Meadows and Stephanie Shepard Memorial Site
Thoughts, reflections, memories, and testimonials about Patrick Meadows and Stephanie Shepard.
AfriClassical Blog Spot Announcing Patrick’s Passing. Thanks to Bill Zick for his support and for spreading the news on the AfriClassical site. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.
Here’s the video of Patrick’s memorial service as a YouTube link. The space was a challenge to shoot (very long and narrow), and you can sometimes hear donkeys braying in the background (how perfectly Mallorquin) but you should get a sense of the place and the sentiment. There may be some updates later but I […]
Patrick Meadows, who passed away last Saturday, April 22nd [2017], was born in 1934 in West Virginia, in what he always described as the wrong side of the tracks of a small town. He attributed his passion for music to an exceptional teacher he had in school, but he also loved language and went on […]
Patrick Meadows, que falleció el pasado sábado veintidos de Abril [2017], nació en el estado norteamericano de West Virginia en 1934, en el seno de una familia humilde.Aprendió música en la escuela– él atribuía el nacimiento de su pasión por la música a un muy buen maestro que tuvo–, pero finalmente se licenció en literatura […]
Dies ist der Nachruf in der 27. April – 3. Mai 2017 Ausgabe (Nummer 17) von Mallorca Magazin veröffentlicht. Es ist auf Seite 39 zu finden. Er würde zweifellos Stimmung finden, auf der Kulturseite unter einem Foto von einer oben ohne Schönheit erwähnt zu werden. This is the obituary posted in the 27 April – […]
Letter to Ivonne on 24 April 2017, posted with her permission: We all miss Patrick and I know that you miss him very much too. Fortunately we all still have each other. You are especially lucky because you also have your daughter. Her love for you is different, but just as special, just as wonderful, […]
Found this in Patrick’s inbox, from Alison. It’s dated 13 Apr ’17 6:44 AM Dear Patrick, I’m so very grateful for you! You and Stephanie have been such an inspiration in my life to pursue my artistic calling. Your passion to follow your dreams has given me courage to follow my own. I am so […]
One of the most memorable events that happened while living at your house was when your father visited. It was enormously satisfying to me on so many different levels and I don’t even know why, actually. He’s a great conversationalist, he’s very personable, and he has a great sense of humor. He’s outside of the […]
In 2008, three years after Stephanie passed away, Patrick retired from his role as artistic director of the International Music Festival of Deia. Thanks to Suzy, here are the concert notes he included in that final program under his tenure. Trini, Suzy and I read these remarks (in Mallorquin, Spanish, and English) to the memorial […]