Darrell Jonsson from Prague sent this wonderful story and gave permission for me to share here. It encompasses almost 40 years and everything that Patrick loved: Stephanie, music, Deia, and writing. I’ve included some of Darrell’s affiliations at the end, since, as he says, “it gives some context of where I’m coming from.”
Was very sorry to hear of Patrick Meadows passing, I first met Patrick Meadows & Stephanie in 1977.
At that time they had an apartment on the main street of Deia. The door was open and some beautiful piano music was pouring into the street. A young woman was playing the piano and I asked if I could sit under the piano and listen. Unabashed by such a request she said O.K.
About 10 minutes later Patrick and Stephanie walked in. The pianist took pause and began talking with Stephanie. As I crawled out from under the piano Patrick complimented me on my choice of listening position.
The talk soon turned to the subject of poetry and music, and ended with Patrick’s invitation to a jam session later that week.
Later that week… after the jam session… in the kitchen over bowls of soup Stephanie had made — Patrick offered to lend me a Sci-Fi magazine he had written a story for.
I said thanks, but looking at the magazine’s apocalyptic cover asked if this was really the sort of thing to read before going to sleep — to which both Patrick and Stephanie answered it most certainly was.
The story was Countercommandment, which prophetically described about how AI mainframes — after reading all of the sacred texts of human history — stop the launching of nuclear weapons by warring nations –via an internal AI intervening hack.
During the next 3-4 years I returned to Mallorca for periods of 3-6 months at a time, and got to know Patrick and Stephanie as neighbors. Occasionally jamming at their para-musical workshop. Over the years I watched their effective growth as cultural activists.
Looking back over the years, I have partially modeled and found significant validation by Patrick and Stephanie’s encouragement and example in a variety of para-musical, creative & community activities. Activities I continue to this day.
Darrell Jonsson
Urban Space Epics Studio
Permanent Artist-in-Residence – Meet Factory Arts Center / Prague
Co-Organizer (2003-2011) – Slunovrat Free Festival
Charter Member – California Outside Music Organization
Honorary Member – Northern California Light Artist Guild
Former Member – International Reed Organ Restoration Society
Editor – Icelandic Music Ancient and Punk
I’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.