Happy 90th Birthday
Here’s a 2011 recording from Spain in honor of today, what would have been Patrick’s 90th birthday.
Patrick Meadows and Stephanie Shepard Memorial Site
Here’s a 2011 recording from Spain in honor of today, what would have been Patrick’s 90th birthday.
Recording with Patrick and Christine about complicated people.
Since today is a religious holiday for a lot of people, I thought I would relate this story that Patrick told me. In the little town of Deya, there is a church up on top of the hill. Patrick played the Sunday music for a couple of years there. He explained that the priest finally […]
We offered to help Patrick while Stephanie was in the hospital. This was his response.
Imagine if you have to proof-read not just in one dimension horizontally, as you do with text, but in two, as you have to with a musical score, especially an orchestral one with maybe forty staves in the vertical dimension. It was this challenge that brought Patrick and me together.
Patrick’s first wife Donna passed away early Saturday morning on the 14th of October 2023.
Thinking again about Patrick’s memorial concert, and a link to the Libertango that Misha’s orchestra performed that night.
Thinking about Patrick on his 89th birthday.
A few notes I recorded on Mother’s Day 2017 while in search of coffee in Spain. Posted exactly six years later, but I’ll reset the date a few weeks from now.
A letter to Patrick, written one year after his death, but not shared on the website until much later.
Here’s a long recording from exactly eleven years ago in which Patrick talks about Chopin, Vida, Valldemossa, and more. We were eating dinner, probably at Vesuvius, probably served by Adriana. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.
This seventeen-minute recording starts with me telling Patrick about a couple of events at the inaugural IRL race at Las Vegas Speedway, then goes on to discuss various risky activities and concludes with a Unix/eunuchs pun. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.
Eleven years ago today, Patrick talked about some of his friends and their fascinating (and sometimes tragic) histories. Here’s the recording. We were having a late lunch in Santa Maria. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.
This is a recording from eleven years ago today, 16 Nov 2011, in which Patrick talks a bit about his first father-in-law (John, who subsequently adopted me) as well as Patrick’s paintings and poetry, stories ahead of their time, Dori teaching reading through dance, and Patrick repeating the 11th grade. JPI’m the son of Patrick […]
This was a surprise. I came across this receipt on Tuesday night. It’s for the Zambak, the boat that cost a fisherman his finger and almost cost my dad his life. JPI’m the son of Patrick of Meadows.